
Coppice Workers' Shelter Stillpoint Clinic and Dojo Caretaker's House, Hooke Park Moonshine Retrofit Westonbirt Mess Building Amateur Studio East Quay, Watchet Hooke Park Big Shed Starfall Farm Finsbury Circus House for a Filmmaker and Playwright Trailer (Equivalent #2) Room 13 Yoga Studio Studio in the Woods Moonshine Badminton School Longdrop Landscape Gallery Green Woodworking Shelter Kings College Library Westonbirt Arboretum TMC Indiana Farmhouse Room in a Productive Garden Timber Shelters Colerne Dining Hall Hadspen Apiary House with Courtyards Writing Room Canopies Dangstein Forest School Training Centre Ghost Barn (Equivalent #1) House in an Olive Grove Venice Biennale House & Yoga Studio on the Gulf of Mexico