Category - Moonshine

Springtime, Moonshine

We’ve been clearing the bramble in the woods to the north west of the house making it possible to see the building from this perspective almost for the first time. Planning vegetable beds here – and interestingly, underneath all the bramble are redcurrant and gooseberry shoots from way back, so the ground here has been used for cultivation before.

The chaotic aftermath of feeding small children… My vision for a house (influenced by Richard Leplastrier and Rural Studio) was always one where kids could rattle around inside a robust shed that could take any amount of chaos, instead of a prim and pristine modernist box. In a way, it’s kind of worked, but could be a bit more robust. There’s a great quality of light at this time of year, in the evenings.


Categories Moonshine Tags

Autumn Light, Moonshine

Categories Moonshine

Materials and Light

Amazingly oblique light showing supposed ‘imperfections’ in shuttering ply (so much nicer than better grades) and undulations on structural oak post… as well as cutting marks in oolithic limestone and kids pictures

Categories Moonshine

Evening Light, Moonshine

Categories Moonshine

Last days of summer at Moonshine

How many more days this year like this?

Categories Moonshine