Category - Westonbirt

Welfare Building, Westonbirt

AMAT-0120-0053FullSizeRender 5AMAT-0120-0051FullSizeRender 4At last – pretty much finished. Delighted to be about to hand over this building to the Tree Team at Westonbirt, along with the other bigger one we finished recently.

Categories Westonbirt Tags

Welfare Building, Westonbirt

IMG_9467IMG_9157IMG_9089IMG_9097IMG_9161Progress on the new Welfare Building at Westonbirt Arboretum, constructed entirely from timber grown on site

Categories Westonbirt Tags

Westonbirt Tree Management Centre

IMG_8901abIMG_8850FullSizeRender 7The new Wolfson Tree Management Centre – Nearing Completion

Categories Westonbirt Tags